What digital platforms are students currently using to develop their professional network?
After viewing Visitor & Resident maps from my group, I noticed many similarities through one’s social media platform compared to the other. I can see that everybody in the group are residents on Snapchat and Instagram for their personal networks. As for professional networks, it seems to me like most students are using LinkedIn/Indeed to look for jobs along with brightspace, email, and google docs or a microsoft software for other professional purposes.
What could the student consider in expanding their professional learning network?
I think that many students can consider expanding their professional learning networks by using educational tools/apps by joining an educational online community. One very helpful tool that students can use to expand their professional learning network in UVIC is by participating in group discussions or by starting new threads.
Discussion: How does data privacy and security limit and/or promote a PLN?
As online learning is expanding, teachers, students and parents increasingly generate personal data; therefore, its’ protection is becoming more and more important. Some data only can be accessed through school websites or need some form of private access to get into the data which can hinder and limit an individual’s personal learning network if they do not have access to that platform.
In your network how can you create a digital identity/ reputation?
I think that for one to gain reputation, on any platform; one must be consistent with the content they are putting out. One must also network and branch out to not only one group of audience but a variety of groups. On top of that, the content put out must also be interesting, educational, valid, and relatable to the audience.
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