Reflect on how social media can play a role in helping you establish messaging and themes that are inclusive and diverse. 

We should look at inclusion as a “concept of teaching to the diversity of all” rather than just a “special education. According to the Stories of Unity Through Diversity and Inclusion by Shelley Moore, we can extend inclusive education to include every diverse learner and start viewing inclusion as not something we simply do but instead something that just is. Inclusion in a professional setting starts by not avoiding the diversity that exists in our professional setting by attempting to standardize the workplace/classroom and workers/learners. Diversity exists amongst us all and it is something that all of us are surrounded by. Social media can play a role in helping to reclaim the word along with the concept of inclusive education and calibrating its definitions among teachers, support staff, administrators, parents, and students in order to start an inclusive journey. With that being said about inclusion, all diversities need to be considered and celebrated; it is not about just one group of people, it is about all people who exhibit different strengths, backgrounds, abilities, cultures, etc. Therefore, social media can act as a support system by providing support for all students to have access to and contribute to an education rich in content and experience with their peers.