Month: October 2022

 What are the benefits of a diverse and inclusive PLN in social media sharing that understands where you are coming from with messaging that impacts the community? 

  The benefits of a diverse and inclusive PLN includes the ability to educate, inform, and mobilize users. The idea of being inclusive and diverse, along with being able to empathize and understand different groups and communities is a very important aspect in forming your Personal learning network. Diversity and inclusion initiatives support the realization that everyone is different. Social media reinforces this fact, demonstrating that we’re more connected and have more in common with each other as we communicate using different platforms. It’s an opportunity for individuals to connect with people of all different backgrounds, to find commonalities, to share experiences, and to solve problems in new ways. These shared experiences give us a window into what life really is like for people other than ourselves. In our day-to-day lives, we can see life through someone else’s eyes with live feeds of war, protests, government hearings, weddings, graduations, and family gatherings, and we will have developed a different level of empathy, understanding, and communication.

How to create a PLN prior to engaging a social media?

It is important to create a Personal Learning Network that includes new voices to “shake up” your current ideas. A strong PLN is vital to help create better learning. According to the article Building your own PLN: seeking new insights and ideas? Expand your personal learning network by Bianca Woods, all PLNs are different since we all have different interests, focuses, and needs, and one’s PLN can only be fruitful if it reflects you. You can take the step to build your PLB by asking the people around you about their experiences and what they’re interested in, and then really listen to what they have to say. To share your ideas with others in order to gain insight from them. To take advantage of technology will also help broaden and strengthen your PLN. To look beyond your field of interest – a strong PLN includes individuals in completely different lines of work. According to Woods, A PLN should never be a one-way street. It should be a way for you to help others as well. The more you contribute to your PLN, the more others will want to help you.

Inclusion & Diversity

Reflect on how social media can play a role in helping you establish messaging and themes that are inclusive and diverse. 

We should look at inclusion as a “concept of teaching to the diversity of all” rather than just a “special education. According to the Stories of Unity Through Diversity and Inclusion by Shelley Moore, we can extend inclusive education to include every diverse learner and start viewing inclusion as not something we simply do but instead something that just is. Inclusion in a professional setting starts by not avoiding the diversity that exists in our professional setting by attempting to standardize the workplace/classroom and workers/learners. Diversity exists amongst us all and it is something that all of us are surrounded by. Social media can play a role in helping to reclaim the word along with the concept of inclusive education and calibrating its definitions among teachers, support staff, administrators, parents, and students in order to start an inclusive journey. With that being said about inclusion, all diversities need to be considered and celebrated; it is not about just one group of people, it is about all people who exhibit different strengths, backgrounds, abilities, cultures, etc. Therefore, social media can act as a support system by providing support for all students to have access to and contribute to an education rich in content and experience with their peers. 

Personal Vs Professional Digital Identity

What digital platforms are students currently using to develop their professional network?  

After viewing Visitor & Resident maps from my group, I noticed many similarities through one’s social media platform compared to the other. I can see that everybody in the group are residents on Snapchat and Instagram for their personal networks. As for professional networks, it seems to me like most students are using LinkedIn/Indeed to look for jobs along with brightspace, email, and google docs or a microsoft software for other professional purposes.

What could the student consider in expanding their professional learning network?  

I think that many students can consider expanding their professional learning networks by using educational tools/apps by joining an educational online community. One very helpful tool that students can use to expand their professional learning network in UVIC is by participating in group discussions or by starting new threads. 

Discussion: How does data privacy and security limit and/or promote a PLN?

As online learning is expanding, teachers, students and parents increasingly generate personal data; therefore, its’ protection is becoming more and more important. Some data only can be accessed through school websites or need some form of private access to get into the data which can hinder and limit an individual’s personal learning network if they do not have access to that platform.  

 In your network how can you create a digital identity/ reputation?

I think that for one to gain reputation, on any platform; one must be consistent with the content they are putting out. One must also network and branch out to not only one group of audience but a variety of groups. On top of that, the content put out must also be interesting, educational, valid, and relatable to the audience.